천로역정 part2 5장 어휘정리
edification[격식]: 교화, 의식 고양, 훈도
- The books were intended for the edification of the masses
cal[bring] somebody/something to mind: 상기시키다, / recall
- I can't call to mind any research evidence on that
fiend[fiːnd] : 악마같은 사람, fanatic, 악령
- He's a dope fiend
- The villain was a fiend incarnate
incarnate: 인간의 모습을 한 [명사 뒤에 쓰이는 형용사] / embody: v 구현하다, 화신이 되게하다
- The leader seemed the devil incarnate
fou[faʊl] l: 더러운, 악취나는 아주 안좋은, 역겨운 / 망치다, 더럽히다
- foul air/breath/language/night/crime
- Don't permit your dog to foul the grass
skirmish[ˈskɜːrmɪʃ]: 소규모 접전
- The skirmish grew into a major battle
slip: 미끄러지다, 나락으로 떨어지다, 들키지 않고 슬며시 가다 실수, 미끄러짐
- She began to slip into debt
- She slipped out of the house before others were awake
- He recited the whole poem without making a single slip
subdue: defeat, suppress : 진압하다, 가라앉히다
- You should subdue/control/restrain your passions [an urge to stroke his hair]
- Troops were called in to subdue the rebels
groan: 신음하는 소리, moan/grunt
- she let out a groan of dismay
- he groaned with pain / pleasure
mutter/grumble: 기분나빠서 중얼거리다
murmur: 중얼거리다
whimper: 훌쩍이다, 훌쩍이며 말하다
- The child was lost and began to whimper
cut the distance: 거리를 줄이다
- The bridge has cut the distance from Busan to Geoje island to 50 km
brethren[ˈbreðrən] : 신도들
mar: 손상시키다[망치다]
- The game was marred by the behavior of drunken fans
intermeddle in/with: 간섭하다 참견하다
Don't intermeddle with a quarrel between them
hearken [옛글투] 귀를 기울이다
- Hearken to your verdict as it stands recorded
prize: 귀하게 여기다
- an era when honesty was prized above all other virtues
cauldron[ˈkɔːldrən]: 가마솥
Six stage
entrust: 맡기다
- entrust valuables to/with
- I was entrusted with the important task
- He entrusted the task to his son
despond [of]: 낙담하다 / 낙담 / lack of hope /despondency
- Don't despond so easily
slough[sluː]: 고통의 구렁텅이, 진창 / mire / bog
- slough of despond
valiant [ˈvæliənt] 문예체 courageous
- valiant warriors
- pot-valiant: 술김에 용감한 [pot: 술, 술항아리]
call at his house: 그의 집에 들르다
yoke[joʊk]: [짐을 끌도록 말이나 소에 씌우는]멍에. 문예체에서의 멍에, 굴레
- The yoke of imperialism
- People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery
snap: 낚아채다
- I can't snap him out of it
tedious: 지루한, 싫증나는 / boring / dull
- It's such a tedious discourse
wakeful: 잠을 못 이루는, 잠이 안든, sleepless
disheartening: 낙심시키는, discouraging / soul-crushing / demoralizing
- disheartening news / experience
zealous[ˈzeləs]: 격식/ 열성적인 / ardent / enthusiastic / motivated / keen / earnest / assiduous / eager
- He was zealous to please me
firebrand: 선동가 / agitator / provocateur / radical / revolutionary
- Then, as now, he was no firebrand
undo: [잠긴것을]풀다, 무효로 만들다. 패배하다
- He did undo a move
- The kid undid the zipper / her hair /the knot / a button
- The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponent
bob: 까닥거리다
- He bobbed his head earnestly
unbridled: 억제되지 않은
- unbridled lust / anger / passion for something / competition / use of something
resignation: 체념, 받아들임
- They accepted their defeat with resignation
defer: 연기하다, 미루다 /put off / 따르다
- he deferred making a decision
- We'll defer to whatever the committee decides
ascertain: [격식] 알아내다, 확인하다 / find out
- It can be difficult to ascertain the facts
wasp: 말벌
betroth [문어체] 약혼하키다
- He was reluctant to betroth his 12 year old daugther
pomegranate[ |pɑːmɪɡrænɪt ]: 석류
kernel[ˈkɜːrnl] : 견과류 혹은 씨앗의 알맹이, 사상 혹은 주제의 핵심
- He who would have the kernel must crack the shell
- There's not a kernel of truth in what Helen says
grapple with: 해결하려고 노력하다
- He's grappled with the task / a problem / adverse circumstances
depravity:[격식] 타락, 부패/wickedness
- a life of depravity
take A for B: consider or suppose to be mistakenly
- who do you take me for?
comeliness: 예쁨, beauty, good looks
homely: 가정적인, 담백한, 아늑한, 매력없는, 못생긴
- His landlady was a kind, homely woman
- A homely child
gluttony[ˈɡlʌtəni]: 폭식, 과음 voracity, ravenousness, edacity, eat greedily, wolf one's food
- She was stressed by her gluttony
bosom[ˈbʊzəm]: 여자의 가슴, 단란함
- a rose pinned to her bosom
- to live in the bosom of your family
unconsecrated[ʌ̀nkɑ́nsəkrèitid]: 성화되지 않은/ not having been made or declared sacred or holy
- The interest you cherish is lawless and unconsecrated
despondency: 낙담, 의기소침 absent-mindedness despondent/dejected
- sink into a slough of despondency
emanate[ˈeməneɪt]: 발하다, 내뿜다