brotherly covenant: 형제의 약속
covenant: 약속, 계약
- God's covenant with Abraham
rise from ashes : emerge as new from something that has been destroyed
arise : 생기다, 발생하다[격식] / occur
- A new crisis has arisen
- injuries arising out of a road accident
by-end:사심, 이기적 동기, 2차적 목적
abomination: 혐오, 가증서운 것
- This coffee is an abomination
- atrocity, disgrace, loathing, detestation, antipathy, revulsion, repugnance
shrug: 으쓱하다
- He shrugged, saying "whatever"
- She gave a careless shrug
turn about: 뒤돌아보다, turn around quickly so as to face in the opposite direction
turnabout: a complete change in opinion
time-server: 직장에서 이직, 퇴직 전 일은 거의 안하고 시간만 보내는 사람
timeserver: 시류에 따르는 사람, 기회주의자, 줏대없는 사람
fair speech: 감언 / soft soap, flattery, fine, flattering speech, blarney
parson: 교구 주임 목사, 교구 주임 사제 [비격식: 개신교 목사]
parich: 교구, 교구 주민들
two tongues: 이언
- keep not two tongues in one mouth
oarsman[|ɔːrzmən]: 노젓는 사람
nothing but: only
- she nothing but cried
- there's nothing but junk on TV
for hire: 고용되어, 빌려주는
- I'm driving for hire so I can pay off rent
look one way and row another: 이쪽을 노리는 듯 하면서 저쪽을 친다
- 적을 유인하여 이쪽을 공격하는 체하다가 반대쪽을 치는 전술인 성동격서를 뜻함
virtuous: 고결한, 도덕적인, irreproachable
- a wise and virtuous woman
feign ~인체 하다
- she feigns to be drunk
Carry oneself: 행동하다
peasant: 소작농, 무식쟁이
strive against: 맞서 싸우다
the wind and tide
- row against wind and tide: undertake a difficult or arduous task /
- to work in adverse circumstance or in the face of opposition
silver slipper:
- a poop that slips out of your but when you lose consciousness at the bar
- a casino in Paradise, Nevada
parade silver slippers : 이 책이 쓰였을 당시에는 위의 뜻 둘다 존재하지 않을 때이므로
말그대로 silver slipper 입니다
은빛 슬리퍼/ 부유함의 상징이겠지요
parade: 보여주다, 과시하듯이 걸어다니다
fervent: ardent, enthusiastic 강렬한
- a fervent desire / wish /
sidle: 주저하듯 옆걸음 치다, 게걸음 치다 / walk sideways
sidle up/over: approach someone in a shy uncertain or secret way
- Sidle up to him and then ask him for a raise
- She sidled up to me and said, "May I help you?"
surmise: 격식 추측하다 / guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer, come to the conclusion, conclude, speculate, glean
- From the looks on their faces, I surmised that they had had an argument
the subject rests: 그 문제가 그대로 있다(해결되지 않고, 처리되지 않고)
- Don't let the subject rest
go against the wind and tide: 시류를 거스르다
gripe: [비격식] 불평
decoy: 바람잡이, 유인하는 사람
- He was booked on a flight leaving that day, but that was just a decoy
heathen: 이교도, 교양없는 사람, 비종교인
hearken: 귀를 기울이다 : to listen to something
perdition: 격식, 영원지 계속되는 벌, 지옥에 떨어지는 벌
escape one's attention: fail to be noticed by someone (보통 부정으로 쓰임)
- that mistake escaped my attention
- Your hard work and dedication haven't escaped my attention. I'm aware of how much you have done
heathenish [hí:ðəniʃ]:이교도의 비그리스도교적인
stagger: 비틀거리다, 충격을 주다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다
- The injured woman staggered to her feet
- He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and toppled over [become unsteady and fall over]
- Her remarks staggered me
- There were so many runners that they had to stagger the start
lucreˈluːkə(r)]: 부당하게 얻은 돈
- the lure of filthy lucre
wager: 돈을 걸다, bet
- She always wagered on an outsider
- I wagered 50 dollars on the horse
smother: 질식시켜 죽이다 / suffocate , 참다 stilfe / 듬뿍 바르다
- he smothered the man with a pillow
- a rich dessert smothered in a cream
- I mothered a yawn/giggle/grin (하품/킥킥 웃음/활짝 웃음)
petrify: 겁에 질리게 만들다 feel frightened, 석화하다 lapidify, change into stone
- Prison petrifies me and I don't wanna go there
gluttony[ˈɡlʌtəni]: 폭식, 과식
glide: 미끄러지듯 가다, 활공하다
- Swans were gliding past
- An eagle was gliding high overhead
- the graceful glide of a skater
dainties: a small collection of small dessert items arranged on a plate
- all sorts of dainties
stile: 층계형 입구
bypath: 옆길, 골목길, 샛길, 지름길
screw: 오므리다
- he screwed his mouth to the side : 입을 한쪽으로 오므리다
- His mouth screwed to the side
pout: 화가나서 입이 뿌루퉁해지다
- He pouted angrily
pucker: 입을 오므리다
grimace: 찡그리다
- She grimaced at the bitter taste
groan: 신음하다
- she groaned with pain/pleasure
grim: 엄숙한, 암울한, 음침한
- The house looked grim and dreary in the rain
- Their performance was fairly grim
- grim-faced policemen
surly[ˈsɜːrli]: 성질 못된, 무례한
- a surly youth, sky, reply
dungeon: 지하감옥/ a dark underground prison in a castle
stinking: 악취가 나는/ 지독한
- I was pushed into a filthy, stinking room
- I got a stinking cold
diffidence: 자신없음, 소심함 / shyness
- with diffidence: 망설이면서
- she overcame her natural diffidence and spoke with great frankness
crab tree: 돌능금나무
club: 곤봉
commiserate[ kəˈmɪzəreɪt]: 위로를 표하다
- she commiserated with the losers on their defeat
- When I lost, she commiserated with me / rough / rude
gruff: 걸걸한, 거친 / brusque / curt / abrupt / unfriendly
- a gruff manner/ reply / voice
noose: 올가미, 올무
- put one's neck[head] into the noose: 자승자박하다
scowl:[skaʊl] 노려보다
- He scowled at them
strangle: 교살/ 목 졸라 죽이다
- she was strangled to death
bolster: 북돋우다, 강화하다
- bolster your confidence/courage/morale
doleful: mournful / 애절한
- a doleful looking man/ a doleful ditty [슬픈노래]
swoon: 졸도 / faint
- he fell into a swoon
- he revived from a swoon
valiant[ ˈvæliənt] : 단호한, 용맹한
- Look at the valiant warriors
scoundrel: 비열한 악당
dispatch: 죽이다, 처치하다[구식]
- Show the bones and skulls the people you've dispatched
see/think fit [to do something]: 맞다고 보다, 결정하다
picklock: 자물쇠 여는 도구
tread: [tread-trod-trodden/trod]밟다
- ouch, you trod on my toe